Work From Home For The Work-Life Balance You Deserve
More and more employees are taking advantage of their option to work from home while being employed in a company that holds a physical office. This option is more common for those who have leadership roles in an organization such as team leaders, project managers, and directors. Given their position and this option, can they still lead while having the luxury of time and more?
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Yes, leaders can still manage their teams well even when they’re not in the same office as them. Working from home should mean having one’s communication lines open and in a stable state. Ideally, managers should check in with their teams in the morning to discuss their goals for the day, and check in again before their shift ends to know about the progress made during the workday.
At home, empathy is learned and experienced. Leaders can better practice displaying this to co-workers when they’re at home and physically disconnected from the pressure felt in the office. Global business and tech leaders all share the bliss of working from home while still effectively managing their teams. They find that having the balance between work and personal or family time affords them moments of realizations that spark ideas with regard to current and future projects of their organization.
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Leaders who take the chance (or the challenge) to work from home also give space for others to grow and hone their own leadership skills. For others, this can be difficult, as they cannot let go of their authority over their members.
Leslie Hocker takes pride in being a growth coach. She is passionate about helping and empowering others to accomplish their goals. Over the years, she has worked closely with leaders to develop them into master achievers. For more articles like this, visit her blog.